bucket list

Started this list when I was a freshman in college (2011) and have kept adding to it ever since. I plan to do everything on this list and hoping to get as much done as possible before 30.

Ride a Gondola in Venice
Learn to knit
Drive on the wrong side of the road
See the Northern Lights
Go to the Great Pyramid of Giza
Serve a mission
Hold the Leaning Tower of Pisa
Milk a cow
Make a wish in the Trevi Founain
Be hypnotized
Climb an active volcano
Visit Machu Picchu
Walk the Great Wall of China
Learn to surf
Tour the New World Trade Center
Sit on the Hollywood Sign
Ride an Elephant
Ice skating in Central Park
Yoga on top of a mountain
Go to a Holi Hindu Spring Festival
Be a Bridesmaid
Re-create The Beatles on Abbey Rd
Volunteer in Africa
Walk on the Grand Canyon Skywalk
Be part of a flash mob
Read all the Nicholas Sparks books
Write a book
Stand on the Equator
Stay in an Overwater Bungalow in Bora Bora
Graduate college
Visit the Mall of America
Ride Roller coasters at Cedar Point
Float in the Dead Sea
Go paintballing
Visit Hersey's Chocolate World
Study abroad
Visit Jeruslam's Old City
Go on a safari
Tour the White House
Be in two places at once
Visit Taj Mahal
Teach English in Thailand
Watch a movie at a Drive in Movie
Paint a picture
Tour the Titanic Wreckage
Reach 10,000 tweets
Stay at an Ice Hotel in Sweden
Backpacking across Europe
Get a motorcycle license
Tour Petra, Jordan
Donate hair to Locks of Love
Swim with dolphins
Visit a Cat Cafe
Go snowshoeing in Leavenworth
Rescue a dog
Send a message in a bottle
Jump off a waterfall
Write yourself a letter and read in 10 years
Climb Mt. Kilamanjaro
Participate in a Color Run
Learn the guitar
Watch the Ball drop in Times Square
Finish a coloring book
Catch a jar of fireflies
Finish a journal
Mud fight in the Boryeong Mud Festival
Go streaking
Slow dancing in the rain
Fly a kite at the Cervia Kite Festival
Dye hair red
Go to a Coldplay Concert
Drink butterbeer
Watch sea turtles hatch
Sleep on a beach
Amazon Rainforest Expedition
Hold a Koala
See the Santorini, Greece Sunset
Be a home owner
Pay for a stranger's groceries
Zipline in Costa Rica
Write on the Before I Die Wall
Go to every US State
Travel the world
Get married
Adopt a baby

Things I've been able to cross off my Bucket List so far:
Go to a concert (1998)
Tour Hearst Castle (2000)
See Old Faithful in Yellowstone (2004)
Drive through Redwoods, CA
Go to Disney World with friends (2009)
Swim in a fountain (2009)
Kiss at midnight on New Years (2010)
Kiss underwater  (2011)
Own a DSLR camera (2011)
Break a world record (2011)
Stick gum on the Gum Wall (2012)
Skinny Dipping (2012)
Ride a mechanical bull (2012)
See a show on Broadway (2013)
Tour Castles in Europe (2013)
Find Hogwarts (2013)

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