Saturday 26 January 2013

Windsor Castle

This morning we got up really early and drove 2 hours to Windsor, England which is just north of London. There, we toured one of the queen's castles. I have been to a couple Castles before.. one in the US and one in Canada but they were NOTHING like this castle. It was amazing and there was a lot of beautiful history behind it.

It was an 800 year old castle which was home to all of the royal family as far back as 1256. There was a cathedral inside of the castle grounds as well that we toured which was the burrial place of many great Kings, Queens, Dutchesses and Dukes. Pretty cool huh? I only got pictures of the castle and the castle grounds. We weren't aloud to take pictures inside. I wish I could show pictures because it was gorgeous. 

There was a huge fire in the castle in 1992 which destroyed a big section of the castle so a lot was re-modeled but there were still some ancient rooms throughout. We got to walk through rooms in which many of the Queens and Knights had their corenations. One of my favorite rooms in particular was King Henry III royal chamber. The walls were bright crimson, their were beautiful paintings everywhere and the ceiling and a lot of the furniture was made of gold. 

Another one of my favorite rooms was one of the dining halls which was the largest room in the castle. All along the walls and the ceiling was Knights armor and plaques of about 800 of all the Knights who served as protectors to the royal family. On your next trip to England, Windsor Castle is a definite MUST see. These pictures don't even do it justice.

The oldest par of the castle!

The view over Windsor.

This is about half the cathedrial on the castle grounds. Amaaaazing!

We were pretty entertained with this guy. 

Hope your weekend was as fabulous as mine.

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