Thursday 7 February 2013

First day of School!

Yesterday was the girls' first day of school.

From what they told me, it is waaaay different than American schools. They go to a public British school and for one, they have to wear uniforms.They have a weird schedule where they have a completely different set of classes every single day. When you move onto "high school" you pick classes with the same subject and you stay with it, kind of like college where you pick a major and take classes that correspond with that major. Ashtyn and Rylee go to the same school and they both agreed that American schools are much better.. lets just say the British kids here are VERY disrespectful.

Get a kick out of their adorable uniforms.

I'm very grateful that I've lived and grown up in the country that I did. Living here has really made me realize that. Of course I love living here because it's England and its the most beautiful country in the world but in America everything is so convenient. I have missed being able to run to the Taco Bell that is 7 minutes away from my house at 2 in the morning or having a car to be able to drive to work everyday which is only 10 minutes away. A lot of people have to take the train to go to work because gas is so expensive and most people work in London. Speaking of London, we get to go in 1 week! I am soooo stoked. 

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