Monday, 11 February 2013

Warwick Castle aka Harry Potter Awesomeness

This weekend the family and I went to Warwick Castle which was just outside of London and it was awesome. One of the best trips so far. Windsor Castle wasn't the biggest castle in the world or the most stunning inside but it was definitely awesome because there were scenes of Harry Potter shot there. I believe they shot just mainly on the grounds of Warwick Castle and not any inside scenes. They shot the inside scenes of Harry Potter at Oxford University, which I would like to tour as well.

While walking through the castle we had a good time taking pictures with the life-size action figures that they had throughout. We went on the "Ghost Tour" and this crazy woman told stories of the Ghosts throughout the castle. There was dungeons, shows, a peacock garden, climbing to the top of the tower and fine dining. It was the ultimate castle experience. Honestly my favorite part was purchasing old ancient maps of Spain, Italy and Paris but that's just me.... Definitely a recomendation if you are with little ones.

This owl could fly up to 70 mph and we saw him fly! 

Ashtyn got a really good kick out of the peacocks at the peacock garden. 

Notice how we went shortest-tallest

oh Ethan.

just the most incredible view of Warwick, England! 

Climbing the castle tower... soooo many steps! 

Thanks for tuning in! 

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