Sunday 3 February 2013

That Place with the 'Big Rocks'

Yesterday we went on a little journey to Stonehenge... It took us 3 hours to get there to look at a collection of rocks in the ground. Didn't seem too exciting. But when we got there we learned a lot about them. The rocks are one of the oldest Wonders of this world. They were build 3,500 years B.C. and they were made for the towns people to have ceremonies in them. They believed that these stones had healing powers. When the light touches the stones in a certain way, they would also use this indicator to figure out which month it was. Half of the sight has fallen down due to earthquakes, the wind, people stealing the rock etc.

We sure went through the tour quick as lightning because the wind did not like us. When the wind blows here.. it sure knows how to. I felt like I was back in Kennewick again. I had to use my dad's extra coat on top of mine because I didn't bring one big enough! Isn't that how it always is? :P

At the end of the day we drove through Oxford to see what it was like. Oxford is one of the main cities and home to another major university campus. It was way more crammed than Cambridge was. Oxford University is where they shot parts of Harry Potter so I can say that we drove past Hogwarts :) We decided to tour Oxford next weekend.

Good news folks, the kids start school on Wednesday which means the house is QUIET during the day. My mom and dad got new callings at church today. My mom is the Young Women's La Presidenta (again) & dad is a Primary worker. Ha. My cousin Kylee got her mission call to Cochabamba, Bolivia which is the exact same mission that my other cousin Coleman is serving in. The whole family got a kick out of that one over facebook. Bet you've never heard of two cousins getting called to the same mission before.

On February 1st, I realized that it was a new month and that January went by super quickly, which is a surprise because normally January drags on F o r e v e r . . . . . February is actually going to be a good month this year.. Not because I have a Valentine (h, no) but I have a couple really exciting events happening this month... :)

Until next time,

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