Friday, 15 February 2013

London Stole my Heart

Entrance onto the Platform (Harry Potter geekiness awe starts to begin)

We found out that they actually just recently put the cart there about a year ago. 

THE HARRY POTTER STOREE!! (Completely geeking out at this point)

Walking to the London Bridge (freaking out freaking out)

Nothing but smiles today :) 

That Castle right there is the Tower of London

Touring through the Castle 

Best natural food place ever!

We got a kick out of this

Freaking out about M&M world!!! 

Re-creating The Beatles on Abbey Rd (M&M style )

We got a really good kick out of this. Totally Tanner's personality. 

A few things about today:

1. London was sooooo much bigger than I thought it would be. I mean really. New York City on steroids. There was an underground train station that took you all through-out London and we probably saw 1/20 of it.

2. Biggest Harry Potter fan ever. Completely in geekinesss awe. Platform 9 3/4 was the best part of my day hands down. There was the cutest little Harry Potter shop as well that sold everything you can think of that is Harry Potter. Wands of the different witches and wizards, scarves, robes, t-shirts, time turner necklaces, key-chains, pens and all kinds of random stuff. Ahhh sooo awesome.

3. Tour through the Tower of London. Research it. Some awesome history behind it. Best tour yet. Many great kings beheaded many great leaders there. Also in the tower holds the Royal Jewels so we saw crowns and robes from 500 years ago that were made of fine Indian Jewels. Gorgeous.

4. The London Bridge. Huge. I want to come back and take a bus tour or a tour on the river and learn more about the architecture. Beautiful beautiful beautiful!

5. Ate at the best natural foods store. Heaven. Yummy food + Healthy food = Happy Hailey. Of course I ordered tomato soup over any sandwich or salad.

6. THERE IS AN M&M WORLD IN LONDON AND IT IS THE BEST THING EVER. Like little kid on Christmas status... Growing up, one of my favorite family trips was Vegas when I was 9 and I still remember being in Heaven at the M&M store in Vegas. Did not know there was one in London and I freaked out. Best part, recreating The Beatles M&M style. If you don't know that I'm totally obsessed with The Beatles, you don't know me at all.

7. Saw the Broadway side of town when we went to pick up our tickets for Les Mis tomorrow night. Ahhhhh so coool!! SO many lights, beautiful buildings, so many people. The best.

I literally can't wait for tomorrow. SOOOO incredibly stoked to go to already my favoritest place I have ever been to, ever.

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